Category Archives: Scott Foval

Donna Brazile and the Project Veritas clips

It’s a cold one here in the Capital, but I’m off today and tomorrow, so you’ll get a double dose this week (the second posting will be on Saturday morning), so strap in there’s a lot to cover.

Firstly, it was suggested by one of our readers to go more in depth on the Donna Brazile controversy. I touched on it briefly in the last post regarding her possible DNC charter breach, but also felt there was a need to explore the topic in a broader sense.

For those who don’t know Donna Brazile, she’s a CNN political correspondent. Also a part time actress appearing on shows like the Good Wife, playing herself (how quaint.)

Where things get a little blurry here, is that she had taken leave from CNN to become interim chairperson of the Democratic National Committee in July 2016, filling in for disgraced former chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who if you remember, was implicated in the smear campaign against Democratic hopeful, Bernie Sanders.

Connect the dots a little further, and you’ll find that CNN is still paying Donna’s wages. A direct conflict of interest? Yes.

Things get murkier still, when a leaked Podesta email allegedly shows Brazile may have provided a word for word question to Hillary the day before a March 13th TV One town hall debate, on the death penalty.

The week that was got entertaining as Fox journalist Megyn Kelly sits down with Brazile to discuss Project Veritas (more about this below), and the debate question controversy. Which you can watch here.

My favourite part was Donna referring to her as Kelly, and Megyn asking her why she’s dodging question (on whether she provided debate questions), and Donna replying that she doesn’t play dodgeball, only basketball.

Proof is in the pudding, as my mum would say.

Project Veritas videos

Like something out of a movie, comes this revelation that Clinton operatives were providing thousands of dollars behind the scenes to actors at Trump rallies to stir up shit.

The term referred to in the clips as bird dogging, pays people to show up early to the debates so they’re at the front, where they’ll be seen on tv. Part two has them causing fights and infighting violence to defame Trump supporters.

The 16:26 first part clip goes into detail of how $20,000 was sent from an off-shore account to pay for the services of these actors, some of them as the video touches on are homeless or mentally ill.

In the first video Scott Fogul, a freelance writer for the Huffington Post, and former field director for Americans United for Change (he was fired after these videos released), is caught on camera explaining the process.

Scott previously worked for People for the American Way, which is heavily funded by Hillary Clinton supporter George Sorors.