Monthly Archives: October 2012

The Curious Case of Eliezer Wiesel

By all acounts there are many discrepancies to the claims made by Eliezer “Elie” Wiesel. I have done my best to shed some light onto those events.

Eliezer “Elie” Wiesel KBE (born September 30, 1928) is a Romanian-born Jewish-American writer, professor, political activist and Nobel Laureate, who also claims to be a Holocaust survivor.

There’s a special place in hell for holocaust deniers. I assume the same exists for those lying about living through it.

For everything I’ve read, there will be a very special place for Eli Wiesel, who by all accounts has been lying about it for financial gain. If Mr Wiesel’s accounts were true in keeping with who he has identified himself as in concentration camp photos, he would be closer to 92. Not 85, as is listed on his Wikipedia page.

Added to that, people who were in concentration camps in Auschwitz don’t recognize him by photo.

For someone who called into question the motives of one Bernie Madoff, branding him an evil crook and a thief; Eli Wiesel’s actions leave a bitter taste in the mouths of all those who seek to separate lie from fiction.

A book written by Wiesel titled Night, also bares a striking resemblance to a Hungarian account of Auschwitz titled ‘The World Kept Silent’.

Eliezer Wiesel received a Nobel Peace prize in 1986 for his book “La Nuit”, which has since been translated and has sold millions of copies worldwide.

The Trouble with Drones

The first known drone strike in Yemen to be authorized by Obama, in 2009, left 14 women and 21 children dead in the town of al-Majala.

Abdulrahman al-Aulaqi was killed at the age of 16 in an American drone strike on Friday, October 14, 2011, in Yemen, with other suspected al-Qaeda members. Nine other people were killed in the same CIA-led attack. Among the dead was a 17-year-old cousin of Abdulrahman.

There was no trial, no additional intelligence. These people were droned based on a hunch that they had alleged ties to al-Qaeda.

At an altitude of 30km above the earth it’s quite easy to mistake an insurgent digging up an improvised explosive device (IED) for a child playing in the sand. But after the strike has been called on an autonomous drone, it’s too late to call it off.

People of America, I implore you to exercise your right to vote outside of the two party system.

Your country deserves a president who keeps his promises. One who respects the constitution and who allows suspected criminals due process to face prosecution for supposed crimes against humanity.