Category Archives: Internet Censorship

Verified by Google

While researching topics for this mornings entry, I spent some time reading about a new process Google is introducing called the International Fact-Checking Network.

Done correctly, it would be similar to the blue verified check mark started on Twitter, and now appearing on Facebook as well. Source

Richard Gingras, head of News @ Google will be tasked with spearheading the initiative. He explained the undertaking in this blog post.

The problem with this, however, is two-fold. First, this already exists. It’s called Snopes, and while they’re biased on certain topics (hiring child actors for townhall questions, for instance or Hillary Clinton’s desire for a “One World Government”).

Secondly, and perhaps more damning, is the revelation that it will be run in part by the National Endowment for Democracy, a so-called Non-governmental organization (or NGO for short), which is actually funded by US congress. And perhaps worse, the fact that it will be in part funded by  Pierre Omidyar, who donated $1 Million to the Clinton Foundation’s HIV/AIDS drug distribution program.

Conflict of interest, you ask? I would say so. And if that passes, government policing on the internet won’t be too far behind.

Morning musings: A judge dismissed Ontario activists claims in bid to have Cleveland’s monicker “Indians” banned while in Ontario for the ALCS vs the Jays: Source

Canadian Tire has pulled all Halloween clown decorations in light of the creepy clown sightings across North America: Source

Hillary’s running mate, Tim Kaine insists Wikileaks Podesta documents could be “doctored”: Source

Judge dismisses Sandy Hook families lawsuit against gun maker: Source

And finally, Air Canada will no longer be permitting customers to board their planes with Samsung Galaxy Note 7 phones: Source