Category Archives: Pharmaceuticals

That whole women’s rights/gender equality thing


So the meme goes, “As long as you live, you’ll never see a photograph of 7 women signing legislation about what men can do with their reproductive organs.” And we all had a good chuckle at Trump’s expense.

I was really interested in this post for two reasons. Firstly, because it’s a bill diverting US funds away from countries like Mexico that perform many illegal and dangerous abortions using a pill called Misoprostol, also known as Mifeprex, which essentially causes the woman’s body to have uncontrollable contractions and can cause severe liver and kidney damage. Damage that is irreversible.

And secondly, because it’s just another tired meme the mainstream media influenced Liberal snowflakes are using to denigrate someone they clearly know nothing about. When your rights are being taken away, I’ll stand with you and protest, I promise you that. Until then, take the time to research, ask questions and figure things out for yourselves.

What the media fails to bring up is that this isn’t Trump’s bill. Ronald Reagan put the bill into action in 1984. Bill Clinton repealed it, George W. Bush reinstated it, and wouldn’t you know, Obama took it out again.

Women are going to have abortions if they want to. I fully support that right. But for the sake of their health, let’s try to get the procedures done by reputable doctors, not back alley hacks in impoverished countries.


Poverty is sexist, apparently

This mornings post is in regards to this news article in the Star: ‘Poverty is sexist,’ Trudeau says at AIDS conference in Montreal …

I’m trying very hard to be non partisan here. And it’s quite honestly giving me a headache. As most speeches by Justin Trudeau have the tendency to do. But here at Media Watch, I’d like to say we do the best to remain unbiased, and so I’ll just state the facts as I see them, and treat my symptoms later.

I think it’s wonderful that the Prime Minister of Canada is trying to tackle issues like gender inequality, and disease like AIDS and Tuberculosis. It’s even more wonderful that he’s encouraging other countries to get on board and join that fight.

He and the Zuckerberg’s (Mark and his wife Pricilla Chan) should definitely talk, given the recent declaration of Facebook founder to a 10 year, $3 Billion plan to cure all diseases. It’s both bold  and grandiose. But what it lacks in real world application, it more than makes up for in ingenuity and when it comes to mainstream media, that’s often enough.

Trudeau certainly has high aspirations for himself when he says “Canada can go to other rich countries like Sweden and Germany and say ‘we’re stepping up; you step up,’” And it amounts to childhood dares of “I’m jumping off this bridge into shallow water, so you should too.”

For a government big on promises, and short on actual resolution, it’s an oddly self gratifying declaration. But if the future is with women, then people like Angela Merkel, Hillary Clinton and Theresa May are strange figureheads to lead that revolution.



It seems that CBC got it right yesterday, with an excellent article by senior writer Aaron Wherry, who penned this piece on Trudeau’s question period: Link to article

Senior Trudeau staffers offer to give back $65,000 in “unreasonable moving expenses”: Link to article

And finally, Huffington Post is developing a crush on Canadian PM: Link to article