Category Archives: Election Recount

The Wisconsin Recall

Media Watch has learned that Hillary Clinton is behind the Wisconsin vote recall. Not Jill Stein.
Stein is merely being used as a front as to not alert suspicions. If you’ll remember, it was Hillary who had ridiculed Trump for questioning the vote tallies.
According to the podcast Abe Lincoln’s Tophat, a Green party insider named Robert Fitrakis had this to say: “I was on the inside of some of these decisions, first of all, Jill Stein had no inclination on earth to recount this election. It wasn’t her idea. She was contacted, and you’ll see some of this in news reports of this. John Bonafas, who worked as a Green attorney in 2004, who was then involved in elections, and a variety of social scientists who were obsessed with the numbers, their target was Hillary Clinton. Jill Stein was plan B.”