Category Archives: Refugee crisis

Eight Questions With… Part III

When researching individuals to take part in this segment, I try to choose people that not only have interesting perspectives, but also values I admire. I don’t necessarily agree with them 100%, but their core ideas and political ideals form a refreshing view and give a unique snapshot into a window that I wouldn’t normally see in my own day to day to life.

It is with this is mind, that I reached out yesterday afternoon to Ezra Levant, former Sun Media columnist, and in February 2015, he founded The Rebel Media, a social commentary website/media platform which posts original content on its Youtube page.

He has been quite vocal in the past during the Idle No More protests, and the human rights issues in relation to “the threat posed by radical Islam.”

I’m pleased to be joined this morning with Canadian media personality, Conservative political activist, writer and broadcaster, Ezra Levant.

Q: It’s been clear for a long time, that mainstream media very much wanted this election for Hillary, long before nominations were made. What are your thoughts on how the media has portrayed the two major candidates and how do you think this media bias will affect future elections?

Ezra Levant: You can already see that many in the mainstream media, after a week of being disoriented, have rededicated themselves to their partisan campaign against Donald Trump. I think this will continue to stimulate the growth of alternative media.

Q: How do you feel Bernie Sanders would’ve faired against Trump, had he been the democratic nominee?

EL: I think he would have done well, with young people and blue collar people worried about jobs. He might have won Pennsylvania, Ohio, Wisconsin, Michigan — thus closing the door to Trump.

Q: In 2015, you founded Rebel Media. How have you found the process of subscription based viewing, and what are the differences between video/print media, and which do you prefer?

EL: Most of our videos are available for free on YouTube. Only 10% of our work is behind the paywall (only accessible via paid subscription) , but it is a premium product that is a commercial success. I come from print, but video is better in that you can show clips of video, audio, documents, etc. — things you had to describe in words. So you can tell a story more effectively. Video seems to be more viral as well.

Q: How do you think the recent incidents in Europe with refugees influenced the way Americans voted, and do you feel it’ll breathe life into right leaning fringe parties?

EL: I think that mass Muslim migration was an issue in the American election — but one that was added to the pre-existing issue of mass illegal Mexican immigration. I don’t think that parties that win can be called fringe parties; I think parties that believe in mass, unlimited, culturally alien immigration are the fringe ones.

Q: What do you think of the rumours that Milo Yiannopoulos, or Ann Coulter could be named press secretary in Trumps newly formed government?

EL: I like both of those people. But the rumours are surely not true.

Q: What are your thoughts on the Clinton/George Soros lead Purple Revolution, and their desire to reunite the country by turning their collective backs on president elect Trump?

EL: If you’re referring to the street protests, they are political violence — which is a basic definition of terrorism. If there is evidence that they are funded or organized by someone, those people should be prosecuted.

Q: By now, you’ve likely heard of the backlash over Donald Trump not allowing the press to follow him into a restaurant with his family. Do you think this outrage is justified, or do they need to set restrictions on how much access the government press is allowed?

EL: It’s a temper tantrum by the press. They hate Trump, and they hate the fact that he hates them back. Most Republicans respond to the media’s hate by trying to appease the media; Trump doesn’t.

Q: Finally, how did Vice Co-Founder Gavin McInnes become involved with Rebel Media, and what sort of projects are you working on?

EL: I invited him to make videos for us. We are working on expanding our journalism with more people and more beats.


Podesta emails and the distraction of the week

Shortly before the second Presidential debate, a clip was released by the Clinton camp that had Republican candidate Donald Trump saying that when he got famous, he’d grab women by their pussy. It was a terrible thing to hear, and yet, a far cry from the exploits of Hillary’s husband, that have up to now, mostly been swept aside.

In the audience of that debate were also 4 women. Four. Who were accusing Bill Clinton of rape.

This afternoons article however, is in regards to the leaked emails posted by wikileaks earlier this week: Source

In the emails, a wide variety of points are made by the Clinton campaign, most of which are sketchy or illegal. A list has been compiled here: Source

Another leaked document indicates that Clinton staffers made a deal with the FBI to release certain emails/information and laptops owned by former Chief of Staff Cheryl Mills and an ex-campaign staffer Heather Samuelson to destroy laptops during the FBI investigation: Source

It’s also been brought to light that during a town hall debate in rural Philadelphia, Clinton had a young actress planted in the audience to ask a question about body image. Digging a little deeper, it was discovered the 15 year old is actually daughter of State Senator Darlin Leach.

A video on CNN interviewing both of them was an interesting watch to say the least: Source

And finally, Brussels is at the centre of the EU work this week with a controversial new bill that would prevent media outlets from revealing the religion of terror suspects, if they’re Muslim: Source

Morning musings: Resident Sportsbet bozo Jamie Campbell has refused to refer to the Cleveland Indians by their not so controversial monicker when they meet the Blue Jays in this weeks ALCS. Ontario loony and Hydro One cohort, Kathleen Wynne has also decided to hitch her wagon to the cause:

By my count, since his debut on October 12th, a 5-4 loss in OT to the Ottawa Senators, the Toronto Sports Network (or TSN, as it would have you call it), had posted no less than 25 article on Auston Matthew’s, the number one overall pick by the Maple Leafs in last years draft. Yet not one of them mentioned it was his costly mistake that ended the game when Sens centre Kyle Turris blew past him to put the puck over the Leafs net minder. Source

The Skittle Controversy

This mornings entry was written in regards to this BBC post:

A bowl of skittles – we’ve all seen the meme. One of them is allegedly poisonous, and by relation, the entire bowl could harm us. Is it an accurate analogy to the growing concern over the Syrian refugee crisis? Or perhaps a comparison that misses the boat (apologies in advance to those of you coming into this country illegally on rafts and load bearing vessels.)

It was revisited in August by Donald Trump Jr. the son of Republican hopeful Donald Trump on Conservative Joe Walsh’s radio show.

This morning by way of, Denise Young, vice-president of corporate affairs for Wrigley America (the company that manufacturers the popular candy), had this to say: “Skittles are candy. Refugees are people.” Which was then followed shortly after by retweets on Twitter of refugees and the subheading “Not a skittle.”

Lost in all of this, is the discovery that a self admitted refugee has revealed himself as the originator of the photo, and that it was used without his permission, adding further insult to injury.

What can be learned from all this? For one, the media will go to great lengths to revisit futile attempts to cast candidates in a negative light to sway public opinion, leading up to the November election. And that people aren’t candy coated food. Well done bbc for this enlightening report.

The statement from Wrigley is perfectly timed to pull on the heart strings of voters, while Obama laid out a speech earlier in the week in his final address to UN diplomats urging them to “Open their borders to immigrants.” A move that has proven costly for the Merkel led Christian Democratics Party (CDU.)

